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Futuro di Second Life 4223511568_2e03797bbb_t

Futuro di Second Life

Alice Mastroianni
Angelica Lean
Sonia Drechsler
9 partecipanti

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da paolamills Dom Giu 13, 2010 2:32 pm

Interessante articolo di Open riguardo il possibile futuro di Second Life

Il futuro di Second Life dopo i licenziamenti a Linden Lab.
Selezione di commenti e opinioni

13 giugno 2010

Linden Lab, l’azienda che ha creato e gestisce Second Life, ha recentemente annunciato una ristrutturazione dell’azienda, che comporterà il licenziamento del 30% del suo staff attuale (indicativamente 100 persone su 350) e una maggiore attenzione all’integrazione con il web – sia tramite i social network, sia tramite nuove applicazioni ufficiali per Second Life per iPhone, iPad e web browser.

Ho passato gli ultimi giorni a leggere decine di articoli e centinaia di commenti relativi a queste novità. In questo post raccolgo alcune delle opinioni che ho trovato più interessanti per l’autorevolezza di chi le ha espresse, per il loro livello informativo, o perché prefigurano nuovi scenari a cui forse non tutti stanno pensando in questo momento di sorpresa e sconcerto.

Personalmente non ho ancora una opinione chiara sul futuro di Second Life a lungo termine. Quello che ritengo piuttosto certo è che Linden Lab e Second Life non siano destinate a chiudere a breve termine. Questo peraltro è in linea con l’opinione di molti altri commentatori, anche meno ottimisti di me.

Nell’elenco che segue trovate i nomi delle persone di cui ho scelto gli interventi e una sintesi in italiano. Seguendo i link potrete leggere gli articoli originali, che sono tutti in inglese. In italiano segnalo solo il buon articolo di Claudio Tamburrino pubblicato su Punto Informatico: Second Life vuole una seconda chance – Linden Lab licenzia il 30 per cento del personale e ristruttura l’azienda. Obiettivo, incastonarsi nei browser e compenetrare i social network

Soft Linden: nei tagli al personale sono stati determinati gerarchia e posizione geografica dei dipendenti -
Yoz Linden: le voci secondo cui i contenuti creati dagli utenti sono destinati a sparire da SL sono false, così come quelle secondo cui Linden Lab intende concentrarsi solo sugli utenti che affiancano al proprio avatar la propria identità reale – fonte: Office Hour 9 giugno 2010
M Linden: presto verranno rilasciate applicazioni Second Life ufficiali per iPhone e iPad – Second Life Creator Linden Lab Downsizes, Morphs
Pete Linden: la versione web del viewer per Second Life annunciata assieme ai licenziamenti sarà un’opzione che affiancherà il viewer completo tradizionale, e non lo sostituirà - Linden Lab Confirms: We’re Developing a Second Life Viewer Accessible FROM the Web (Not a Second Life ON the Web)
lbsa71 (fondatore di Opensim): gli ambienti virtuali non diventeranno un fenomeno di massa in questa fase; potranno diventarlo nel prossimo ciclo, ma non con Second Life – In light of recent events
Diva Canto (sviluppatrice di Opensim): qual è il futuro per Opensim, dopo questo cambio radicale di direzione per Second Life? Opensim può continuare a seguire Second Life o se ne deve distaccare definitivamente? – 90-Degree Course Adjustment
ArminasX Saiman (SL content creator): M Linden ha sperimentato varie strategie per espandere Second Life e ora termina quelle che non hanno avuto successo. La nuova strategia (consentire anche al pubblico di massa del Web di vedere Second Life) potrebbe condurre molte persone ad avvicinarsi a questo mondo virtuale – Chasing the Bar: The Linden Lab Layoffs
Mitch Wagner (giornalista e resident): spero di sbagliarmi perché è un servizio eccezionale con una splendida community, ma non vedo crescita nel futuro di Second Life – Second Life CEO looks to the future, after massive layoffs
Virtual Bacon (utente attivo in SL da 6 anni): questo annuncio è perfettamente in linea con quello che disse Philip Linden 4 anni fa. Da allora Linden Lab cerca di evolversi da esperimento visionario in una ditta efficiente che offra un servizio stabile e sostenibile – Take A Deep Breath…
Prad Prathivi (SL content creator e commentatore) e GraceMcDunnough (cantautrice attiva nei mondi virtuali) sono positivi rispetto all’idea di un viewer web, che consenta di dare un rapido sguardo a quanto sta accadendo in Second Life. Il grande pubblico del web potrebbe incuriosirsi più facilmente e molti nuovi talenti potrebbero avvicinarvisi – Linden Layoffs: What Now? - Observations from the Linden Lab Layoffs
Gwyneth Llewelyn (resident e commentatrice di vecchia data e Solution Provider) – Una parte dei licenziamenti vanno imputati al fatto che Linden Lab sta terminando vari cicli di sviluppo (come il rinnovo dei siti web). Il resto va interpretato come la fine di una sperimentazione condotta nell’ultimo anno e rivolta alle aziende che si è rivelata di scarso successo – [Reset] and do a 180º turn
Ian Hughes a.k.a. epredator (consulente ed evangelizzatore di ambienti virtuali) – Per Linden Lab non si tratta di chiusura ma dell’inizio di un nuovo capitolo. Per quanto riguarda gli ex dipendenti, il settore delle piccole e grandi aziende legate al metaverso è in crescita e vi sarà sicuramente richiesta per le loro competenze - All change, all the same
Tateru Nino (SL resident di vecchia data e reporter sui mondi virtuali per negli ultimi 3-5 mesi la richiesta di beni e servizi in Second Life è rimasta elevata ma ha smesso di crescere, causando in poco tempo perdite enormi per Linden Lab, quantificabili attorno ai 18mila US$ giornalieri In una situazione del genere i licenziamenti erano semplicemente inevitabili

Ultima modifica di paolamills il Dom Giu 13, 2010 9:18 pm - modificato 1 volta.

Femmina Bilancia Messaggi : 2359
Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.09
Età : 47
Località : Torino

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue1/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (1/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Sonia Drechsler Dom Giu 13, 2010 4:23 pm

perdite enormi per Linden Lab, quantificabili attorno ai 18mila US $.

Shocked Shocked Shocked

Sonia Drechsler
Sonia Drechsler

Femmina Cancro Messaggi : 8552
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 23
Località : Tropico del Cancro
Umore : Raggiante

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da paolamills Dom Giu 13, 2010 4:32 pm

Sonia Drechsler ha scritto:
perdite enormi per Linden Lab, quantificabili attorno ai 18mila US $.

Shocked Shocked Shocked


Presumo abbiano il braccino corto Smile

Femmina Bilancia Messaggi : 2359
Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.09
Età : 47
Località : Torino

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue1/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (1/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da paolamills Dom Giu 13, 2010 8:05 pm

Ad integrazione del precedente, un articolo di Lukemary Slade da

In ricordo dei Lindens

Femmina Bilancia Messaggi : 2359
Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.09
Età : 47
Località : Torino

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue1/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (1/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da paolamills Dom Giu 13, 2010 9:17 pm

Sonia Drechsler ha scritto:
perdite enormi per Linden Lab, quantificabili attorno ai 18mila US $.

Shocked Shocked Shocked


Scusa ma nella scrittura e' saltata una parola fondamentale : 18 mila dollari giornalieri

Sorry Embarassed

Femmina Bilancia Messaggi : 2359
Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.09
Età : 47
Località : Torino

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue1/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (1/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da paolamills Dom Giu 13, 2010 11:51 pm

Macabro ma efficace requiem per i dipendenti fatti fuori dalla Linden

Futuro di Second Life Cimite10

Femmina Bilancia Messaggi : 2359
Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.09
Età : 47
Località : Torino

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue1/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (1/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Angelica Lean Dom Giu 13, 2010 11:53 pm

Come direbbe Sonia:me ne frega una cippa dei Linden Very Happy
Angelica Lean
Angelica Lean

Femmina Scorpione Messaggi : 9263
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 37
Località : Roma
Umore : natalizio

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue65/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (65/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da paolamills Dom Giu 13, 2010 11:55 pm

Angelica Lean ha scritto:Come direbbe Sonia:me ne frega una cippa dei Linden Very Happy

Risposta interessante

Femmina Bilancia Messaggi : 2359
Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.09
Età : 47
Località : Torino

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue1/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (1/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Angelica Lean Lun Giu 14, 2010 12:00 am

paolamills ha scritto:
Angelica Lean ha scritto:Come direbbe Sonia:me ne frega una cippa dei Linden Very Happy

Risposta interessante

Beh dato che in italia stanno perdendo il posto di lavoro in massa molti non lo avranno mai e i precari verranno per il 50% licenziati e gli stipendi congelati etc etc...
Non me ne può fregà di meno.
Angelica Lean
Angelica Lean

Femmina Scorpione Messaggi : 9263
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 37
Località : Roma
Umore : natalizio

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue65/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (65/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Sonia Drechsler Lun Giu 14, 2010 12:03 am

paolamills ha scritto:
Angelica Lean ha scritto:Come direbbe Sonia:me ne frega una cippa dei Linden Very Happy

Risposta interessante

Ma no, non hai colto la critica costruttiva che ci sta dietro ghgh
Sonia Drechsler
Sonia Drechsler

Femmina Cancro Messaggi : 8552
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 23
Località : Tropico del Cancro
Umore : Raggiante

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Sonia Drechsler Lun Giu 14, 2010 12:05 am

Angi non ho mai capito il perché di tutto il tuo autolesionismo.
Sonia Drechsler
Sonia Drechsler

Femmina Cancro Messaggi : 8552
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 23
Località : Tropico del Cancro
Umore : Raggiante

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Angelica Lean Lun Giu 14, 2010 12:06 am

Sonia Drechsler ha scritto:Angi non ho mai capito il perché di tutto il tuo autolesionismo.

Non è autolesionismo.
E' che ho delle priorità nella vita e sl non è la mia priorità.
Angelica Lean
Angelica Lean

Femmina Scorpione Messaggi : 9263
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 37
Località : Roma
Umore : natalizio

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue65/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (65/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Sonia Drechsler Lun Giu 14, 2010 12:07 am

Mi spiego meglio, perché spesso cerchi di fare di tutto per sembrare la cretina che non sei? Smile
Sonia Drechsler
Sonia Drechsler

Femmina Cancro Messaggi : 8552
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 23
Località : Tropico del Cancro
Umore : Raggiante

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Angelica Lean Lun Giu 14, 2010 12:08 am

Sonia Drechsler ha scritto:Mi spiego meglio, perché spesso cerchi di fare di tutto per sembrare la cretina che non sei? Smile

Beh se ti sembro cretina io poniti seriamente delle domande! Very Happy
Angelica Lean
Angelica Lean

Femmina Scorpione Messaggi : 9263
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 37
Località : Roma
Umore : natalizio

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue80/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (80/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue65/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (65/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Sonia Drechsler Lun Giu 14, 2010 12:11 am

Naaaa, chi lo dice sa di esserlo si usava alle elementari, non attacca marameu
Sonia Drechsler
Sonia Drechsler

Femmina Cancro Messaggi : 8552
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 23
Località : Tropico del Cancro
Umore : Raggiante

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Ospite Lun Giu 14, 2010 12:54 am

Chissa' se sti 300 ex-Linden si faranno degli avatar non Linden....


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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Alice Mastroianni Lun Giu 14, 2010 1:05 am

Sl andrà via browser e sara collegato agli altri social network (ba come se sl fose solo questo) cosi potrai campeggiare in sl e con quei linden allargare il tuo farmville....non siete contenti piangere

Alice Mastroianni

Femmina Capricorno Messaggi : 4283
Data d'iscrizione : 26.12.09
Età : 46
Località : WDT Planet
Umore : incazzuso

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Elvira Lun Giu 14, 2010 10:10 am

Rispondo seriamente.

E' già da parecchio tempo che vedo preoccupanti parallelismi tra l'andazzo della LL e l'andazzo di un'azienda Internet WWW per cui ho lavorato diversi ani fa.

Nel momento in cui i fondatori cedettero la conduzione le cose cominciarono ad andare a rotoli. All'inizio tutto luccicava perchè il cambio di poltrone corrispose all'entrata in borsa.
Ma presto la nuova dirigenza, la cui unica esperienza tecnologica era stata il militare in aziende telefoniche, si dimostrò totalmente incapace. Questi personaggi si mettevano delle mani degli impiegati di cui non riuscivano a comprendere le competenze facendo errori su errori (ho visto molti banalissimi errori in LL).
Il licenziamento in massa in cui io fui coinvolta fu l'inizio del tracollo che si completò nel giro di un anno.

A me dispiace.

Non solo perchè grazie a SL guadagno una somma che mi fa comodo ma anche perchè è un vero peccato; SL è meravigliosa.
Non hanno saputo assolutamente pubblicizzarsi adeguatamente.

Messaggi : 2140
Data d'iscrizione : 10.12.09

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Sonia Drechsler Lun Giu 14, 2010 3:38 pm

Siamo già alle esequie?

Sonia Drechsler
Sonia Drechsler

Femmina Cancro Messaggi : 8552
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 23
Località : Tropico del Cancro
Umore : Raggiante

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Elvira Lun Giu 14, 2010 3:47 pm

Sonia, secondo me si.
A meno che non cambi drasticamente l'andazzo e prendano le redini persone davvero competenti.

Messaggi : 2140
Data d'iscrizione : 10.12.09

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da famiglia_maurer Lun Giu 14, 2010 4:16 pm

Mi dispiace unirmi alle cassandre, ma seguo il mercato IT dal 1980 (prima che esistesse il PC.. LOL) ed i segni presagiti da Elvira sono tipici ....
Non la vedo bene (asp, metto gli occhiali), no, ehhm, non la vedo bene neppure ora. O avviene qualcosa di drastico a vedo ancora qualche mese di declino pilotato per recuperare gli asset, poi il crash, probabilmente in silenzio.
Peccato, ma si poteva già immaginare due anni fa, quando i big hanno cominciato a ritirarsi.
IMHO l'errore fatto da LL è stato quello di pensare che qualche decina di migliaia di niubbi fanatici di disco e attachments più o meno tatuati potessero sostenere una economia ed un business ....
Il pittoresco popolo di sl era ed è indispensabile per dare vita e folclore al metaverso, ma da solo non si autosostiene. Purtroppo, per le bacate leggi del mercato a cui siamo soggetti, nemmeno l'arte e la cultura generano economia, e, sempre IMHO, possono sopravvivere solo come una delle tante componenti del metaverso, non l'unica ....
Speriamo in qualche testa pensante che inventi qualcosa di nuovo ....

Maschio Ariete Messaggi : 508
Data d'iscrizione : 22.11.09
Età : 124
Località : Homeless
Umore : una allegra, uno triste

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue-10/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (-10/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/0Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Sonia Drechsler Lun Giu 14, 2010 4:18 pm

Non voglio morire... piangere piangere No No triste triste
Sonia Drechsler
Sonia Drechsler

Femmina Cancro Messaggi : 8552
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 23
Località : Tropico del Cancro
Umore : Raggiante

Foglio di personaggio
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue100/100Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)
Futuro di Second Life Left_bar_bleue0/3Futuro di Second Life Empty_bar_bleue  (0/3)

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Ospite Lun Giu 14, 2010 6:48 pm

Be Dep lo disse 3 anni fa.
Ma ne ha dette cosi' tante che qualcuna la imbroccava pure Very Happy
(se mi becca mi gonfia)


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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Gianka Lun Giu 14, 2010 7:03 pm

Voce fuori dal coro

la settimana scorsa sono stato ad un convegno sulla sicurezza informatica, ed uno degli argomenti era il solito degli Hackers. Ma rispetto al passato adesso la denominazione è Cyber Crime ad indicare che adesso l'unico motivo che spinge qualcuno a fare l'hacker è il denaro. Tutto questo preambolo per arrivare all'argomento che mi ha colpito: Cyberlaundering ovvero il riciclaggio del denaro sporco attraverso i canali informatici.

Uno dei canali maggiormente utilizzati per il riciclaggio,ed ampiamente discusso, è stato quello dei giochi online e chiaramente SL in primis. A fronte di circa 16 milioni di iscritti, si stimano circa 6 milioni di utenti attivi, che generano un giro di denaro di circa 350 milioni di dollari (590 se consideriamo il totale di tutti i giochi online) tra gli utenti (user to user).(Anno 2009)
Di questi , circa 55 milioni sono stati trasferiti su Paypal.

Ora, se parliamo di queste cifre, e se pensiamo agli interessi delle organizzazioni criminali internazionali, (la più famosa è la RBN, Russian Business Network) penso che potremo dormire sonni tranquilli per molto tempo ancora.
Sotto ho riportato un estratto di un documento che tratta di Cyberlaundring , e di SL in particolare, per chi volesse approfondire.
Se vi servono altre informazioni, chiedete pure.

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of:

Master of Science in

Submitted to the School of Computing Information Technology and Engineering University of East London
On <26.05.2009>

Chapter Five: Case Study of Virtual World Second Life.

Second life (SL) is an online virtual world that is developed in 2003 by Linden Labs founded by Mr. Philip Rosedale in San Francisco. The online virtual world has its own currency called linden Dollars that can be used in the SL virtual world to do business. The founder of linden labs in an interview with the guardian [21] news paper has admitted the fact that money laundering involves real paper bills and that is a problem related to real currencies this statement is contrary to the understanding of intelligence agencies in US [28]. I will be presenting a research that would identify the potential of Cyberlaundering related to the new virtual world and the existing steps that have been taken to control and monitor the money movement.

5.1 Business in Second Life

The SL is using the Network effect business which is an organic and exponential business effect. As on Ninth April 2009 the total number of users logged in last 7 days on SL main website were almost six million [20] and this shows the real popularity of the SL. The total numbers of registered users are 16 million [29].

They use micro-payment system to sell virtual objects like furniture’s, cloth and land in linden dollars from linden exchange (also known as xstreet in SL) or form other residents through charged cards, credit cards, online bank account linked with resident account via lindex exchange to convert real money in to linden dollars. In 2008 it is reported that the inworld economy of SL had virtual goods entrepreneurs, landowners, inworld builders and service providers that achieved a mutual transaction of US $350m.

The terms of service of SL provides protection against the intolerance, harassment, assault, disclosure, indecency and disturbing the peace. The laws that the SL follows are the Global Standards with Local Ratings, in case of violation of term of service first a Warning is given then the account is Suspension and finally Banishment, user will be hold responsible of causing Global Attacks and the activity through alternate resident account will bear responsibility by the principle resident account.

Another fact that is holding SL more vulnerable to cyberlaunding is the option that Residents have Intellectual property rights to what they create. As we know that mafia and gangs are always looking for ways to carry out their illegal activity without being noticed or drawing unnecessary attention from the authorities. The server client architecture of SL provided the much needed isolation from the authorities to further the aims of organized crime by gathering in secure location of self owned land to plan, discuss and train an army to commit Cyberlaundering through moving cyber crime proceeds.

Hypothetical case example (How Does It Works and Tax Evasion in SL)

Cyberlaunding is all about transferring large sum of money from one location to another without drawing unnecessary attention from the authorities. The reason for this activity can be tax evasion and therefore criminal’s look for a place with minimal risk of being taxed

How: Tax evasion is possible as there is no or very less amount of tax applicable in virtual world for example VAT for selling in UK is 15 % in contrast to the 40% higher rate of income tax in the real wealth. In section 5.2.4 (given below) it is shown how Cyberlaundering is achieved by buying land in Russia thus transferring huge amount of cash in linden dollars to Russia and then selling the land to an unconnected party

Who: Land mafia can use this channel to buy land in Moscow without paying tax as transaction between residents in linden dollars is not taxable the tax is only deductable when the linden dollars are converted to real currency.

Where: Due to the borderless nature of internet and no legislation in place for the virtual world the tax evasion is possible for the criminals and corporations to hide there gain from the tax man by using this channel of virtual commerce and buying properties in tax free zones such as Dubai and other tax havens.

What: The unconnected party described above can be a local Russian thus achieving Cyberlaundering or it can be the same Londoner who buy that land from his Russian counterpart and is finally been gifted the real land back to him and who only needs to pay the gift tax avoiding the stamp duty/land tax, local property taxes and Capital gain tax.

5.2 Problem and Limitation

Financial transaction in Second Life is unregulated as the SL is not a registered financial institution though they are following Federal Reserve Bank like monitory policies. There is no law to monitor and control Cyberlaundering and no need to establish the source of income of any resident. Lets present few problems that are favorable for the launderers.

5.2.1 An Army of Smurf.

The complex stages of Cyberlaundering can be achieved by buying linden dollars by an army of smurf’s (explained in section 2.3.1) and use this currency L$ to buy land and other property from the residents who is using this mode of business to convert illegal wealth into legitimate wealth and transfer of cash from one location to another without interception and reporting.

The other party resident can withdraw this L$ by converting it in to their own local currency and charging it to their bank account, credit card, PayPal account and charge card in return of offering a service that need not be their in the virtual world.

5.2.2 Anonymity

There is no need to know your resident and their source of funds. Criminals will exploit this facility of anonymity by selling objects, contents and scripts at any value they like and where access will be given to their army of smurf’s while restricting it for any other resident to avoid the business being reported to the authority.

Having intellectual property rights to your created objects, content and scripts will ensure that no one can copy or use your creativity without the consent of the owner and that is a starting point of suspicion for a criminal to know that he is being investigated, reported or observed for suspicion of involvement in Cyberlaundering.

Criminals can use the identity of some one else to protect his own identity and there is no need to even prove that you are what you say you are. This facility can be further exploit by opening a bank account in the virtual world as a Singapore bank is operating in second life [30] and providing this fake identity to apply for credit and then silently leave the virtual world with all the real cash transferred in your own charge card.

5.2.3 Open Source

Linden labs will have no way to find out the actual functionality of an application that is created and integrated with the second life viewer application. There is no version control to maintain as the residents can use there developed application with the Second life viewer and can distribute the same to there friends and member of organization to use it for a customized set of operations such as marketing, business meeting, presentations, education and automated electronic payment value transfer in encrypted data format.

An online casino application can be developed for securely accepting payment that are encrypted and at the end of the game the remaining cash can be transferred to a charged card of a person to whom this fund was required to be laundered. The details of the users can be used to make such payments even without the consent of the user of such mushroomed online casinos.

An exception that SL holds is that the owner ship of the virtual object such as a castle is not with the company but with the resident and therefore the taxation on the asset which is a bunch of ones and zeros is only theoretically viable and practically the virtual transaction of objects will cripple the virtual world with an unmanageable increase of paperwork and record maintenance.

5.2.4 Tax Evasion

European Union sales tax regulation requires that value added tax must be charged from the resident of EU that uses second life for land purchase and maintenance, for premium memberships and for linden exchange currency buying, selling and processing of credits using PayPal, domestic and international check.

Lets assume that you live in London and you require to buy a piece of land in Russia then using the currency of SL that is linden dollars you can easily buy the piece of land at the cost of the land without paying any tax or exchange rate charges using another resident that is a real estate agent offering this service as a personal business. However if you buy the land in traditional way that would require you to first travel to that country then convert your currency to the local currency of that country where the land is located and then a huge sum of taxation would be required to pay before the purchase of the land and finally the cost of the land. So using SL channel of business you can easily avoid the heavy taxation related to the purchase and maintenance of land in Russia.

Not to forget the business of real estate in 3D virtual world give a lot more better representation of real property then the news paper clipping or a photograph of a piece of land without any further information relating to buying a piece of land. This business of real estate is a great way to present the land property to the interested inworld residents.

Exchange of linden dollars from one resident to another is not taxable so a resident living in London can hire the services of a professional estate agent living in Russia to buy the land for him using his credentials and then transferring/gifting the ownership of the land to the resident living in London this will help to evade the tax amount that was required to be paid to the government by a foreigner. And the same trend can be followed by the corporation to hide there annual profits to safe the taxation and use it for the new venture of the organization working abroad.

Corporation will be choosing this channel of business to buy huge land property from the annual profits of the company and avoid reporting huge annual profits and paying huge amount of tax to the government.

5.2.5 Fast-growing economy is lightly controlled

It is a fact that at present there are more then fifteen million users in second life virtual world. This virtual land has no police and no courts meaning that the users are free to do what ever they like with the slightest fear of being caught. As long as they don’t violate the term of service of SL or encountering any one that would observes there suspicious activity and report it to the authorities.

SL has based its policy on creativity and giving residents the freedom to create what they imagine and at the same time make some cash by given services that they can offer like music bands, instrument players and tourism guide for other residents. Controlling the way resident generate money is not a priority but a necessity to provide security to every other resident in SL.

5.2.6 Linden Exchange lacks even basic Regulations

The linden exchange is the only way to convert real currency to buy and sell linden dollars and it even lacks the basic regulation observed by the regular money exchange in the real world. Britain fraud advisory panel recommended to the UK government to extend the traditional financial regulation to the SL virtual world payment solution and online game [40].

The virtual world is a new idea that is being implemented in reality therefore at present there is no legislation to govern the virtual world. The reason that it does not require to be regulated is that there is no legal frame work to regulate the virtual world.

5.3 Solution and Analysis

The SL virtual world used its own currency for the micro payments to buy and sell both real and virtual cloths, jewelry, and furniture’s. The same payment mode is used to rent an Auditorium or to arrange educational classes, group meetings and presentation. The newly immerged so to say future of internet and the limitation to protect the net generation from any possible cyber crime requires that government and intelligence agency extend there counter measure efforts to resolve the problems associated with virtual world. The chairman of the Serious Organised Crime Agency Sir Stephen Lander has said that

"Any significant reduction in the capability of law enforcement agencies to acquire and exploit intercept intelligence and evidential communications data would lead to more unsolved cyber crime." [23]

Let us analyze the problem and its solution to the issues stated in section 5.2 above.

5.3.1 An army of smurf

The complex stages of Cyberlaundering can be achieved by buying linden dollars by the army of smurf’s and then using it to buy real land and other luxury items from the residents who is using this mode of business to convert illegal wealth into legitimate wealth and transfer of cash from one location to another without interception and reporting.

Initially the law enforcement agencies used artificial intelligence to form any possible pattern of Cyberlaundering by observing the movement of the linden dollars. Due to the dynamic nature of the virtual world it is not possible to keep a record of every action an avatar performs so there is no reconstruction of pattern and hence artificial intelligence was ban in April 2009 due to the reason that it is a source to drain server resources and a way to boost traffic stats [27]. The difference in virtual world and in real world is that there is possibility that authorities can re-construct an event of Cyberlaundering by joining the dot of evidences that are present in servers of ATM, POS and Electronic Payment Solution systems while in virtual world using client to client architecture there is no way to reconstruct the transaction if it is encrypted. The decryption of this transaction required lengthy process and the number of transaction in any given time is in hundreds if not in thousands. Encrypted transaction is generally treated as suspicious transaction Due to the complexity of controlling the cyber crime the national security agency of America announced that they don’t want to control the cyber security of America [24] alone but with the help of other cyber security agencies.

5.3.2 Anonymity

The feature of anonymity in it self is not a threat but the use of it to do the dirty dealings is a concern to all. For example people would feel more comfortable to get sensitive medical advice in SL [31] to protect their identity for avoiding undesirable attention in their privacy from the social circle. But if same anonymity is used to commit a financial fraud or high yield investment program to deprive other resident from what they own is worse situation then in real world where you can verify the reality of an investment program through numerous sources.

SL keeps a record of information regarding the contents that you have accessed. They do disclose this information to law enforcement agencies if it deems suspicious otherwise this information is kept in a database in an unreadable form to protect the privacy of residents and each access to this database is logged and authorized as per condition or reason to do so [32]. The land in any region is actually located in the servers of SL and if the activity in that region is restricted, recursive, huge virtual traffic and the content is using encrypted functionality or coded messaging or any other suspicious way of dealing is observed through the aggregated information or reported to the SL authorities to look into the matter and demand the clarification from the resident for such an activity by first giving warning then suspension and finally banning them from SL. This region can be filmed to record digital evidence and the objects, contents and scripts can be copied to be analyzed by the digital forensic experts.

The intellectual property rights is provided to the residents to protect their legitimate unique business from being copied by other residents but this right is not there for the criminals to ensure that no one can copy or use their creativity without their consent. SL reserves the right to provide the information of the resident to the law enforcement agency if suspicion of criminal activity is established such as Cyberlaundering.

The intelligence agencies have drawn much needed attention of US government to the fact of untraceable financial transaction [33] and alternate channel with expanded ability to make a financial transaction.

SL establishes the identity of the resident in two parts, the first part is the information provided by the resident and the second part is the activity, accessed content, login IP address, general and specific computer details. If there is a suspicion that the resident is not what they say they are then a proof of identity will be asked to confirm their identity. Hence the anonymity feature is there to have a better experience then what is in the real world and not the visa versa.

5.3.3 Open Source

Linden labs has taken a monitory role in the second life virtual world to control the L$ movement and linden exchange to convert L$ in to real currency. They have several thousand servers at present to support the simulation of avatars using thousands of scripts that are accessed by the residents to create and modify their avatars. The open source functionality has reduced the UDP data traffic load to the SL servers by giving away the independence to the residents to create objects, contents and adding new functionalities to their content/object/script such as translator’s service to give live translation while talking to people of different languages or holding a banner to advertize a product and earn L$ from the company almost same as Google advertisement works.

In the summer of 2007, Linden Lab banned online gambling in Second Life virtual world by saying that there are too many issues with online gambling [25]. Although officially it is banned but the potential of using it is still there due to SL client server technology. One can only find the actual functionality of an object and its content by either observing or by using it themselves. To control and monitor this issue FBI and other intelligence agencies have already established their virtual presence in the SL [26]. The laws that are used to criminalize online casino in Second Life was the 1970 Illegal Gambling Business Act (Appendix A) or the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 (Appendix A).

Residents can create an object that can be used to securely transfer charged cards value details and any other form of financial information that are encrypted and this cash value can be transferred to a charged card of a person to whom this fund was required to be laundered. This client to client (hybrid of peer to peer) information transfer can not be monitored and controlled by intelligence agencies or SL servers.

The linden exchange scrutinizes the transaction above 10 USD dollars same as any financial institution but there is no regulatory compulsion to report it to the authorities rather a need to avoid being a party to the crime by helping the crooks. This channel of money movement is still too young to be considered as prone to organized criminal activity and the responsibility of controlling and monitoring illegal and suspicious activity must be shared with the residents to report it if it is observed in there particular region.

5.3.4 Tax Evasion

As discussed in section 5.2.4 the SL uses two ways to establish the identity of a resident if you have mentioned that you live outside of European Union to save the sales tax regulation that requires you to pay VAT for land purchase and maintenance, for premium memberships and also for linden exchange currency buying, selling and processing of credits using PayPal, domestic and international check. SL can establish your location by recording the information of the computer system that you are using to login to second life. The IP address will be use to locate your country and if this information is different from what you have provided then you will receive a warning to change the details of your profile following by suspension and finally banned from SL.

Real Estate is a legitimate business and it has an online presence since internet was introduced commercially. The resident that provides the service of real estate agency will bear the responsibility of the contents that they have offered and if an illegal or suspicious activity is observed by the local community in that region or by SL authorities due to the suspicious aggregated information regarding the business and the fortune earned appears to be unrealistic then the information of the resident will be passed to the law enforcement agencies.

The transferring and gifting the ownership of the land to another resident living any where in the world requires that the authority need to make sure the reason of this transaction has some form of sense to it otherwise an investigation need to be performed to establish any tax evasion involved. This is a real phenomenon and needs not be an issue in the virtual world.

5.3.5 Fast-growing economy is lightly controlled

The government of US believes that the future economic growth in virtual world and especially in the SL virtual world is providing a haven in cyber crime activity [34]. With the increasing number of residents the agencies all around the world is also building network in virtual world to effectively communicate, train and manage the cyber crime monitoring and control by using the reporting mechanism of violation of term of contract in SL the criminals are kept away from the SL virtual world.

SL virtual world saves the cost of communication in the real world and is an effective way to solve the real world hurdles such as jurisdictional issues and man power to solve a case of Cyberlaundering.

5.3.6 Linden Exchange lacks even basic Regulations

According to currency exchange act [35] a financial institution is required to file an annual financial progress report but SL since 2003 has not produced any annual financial progress report due to the reason that it is not a sole financial institution but an online virtual world simulation host.

Similarly due to no monitory policies [36] governing lindenX the revenue in real USD earned by the linden lab from the resident can be used by few higher level individual in the company providing a fertile ground for the criminals to hire the services of the SL company which is already exempted from any liability to damages caused by any reason to avoid reporting the illegal activities of criminal. My recommendation to solve this issue is to extend the financial regulation on to the SL virtual world.

Maschio Acquario Messaggi : 1508
Data d'iscrizione : 20.01.10
Età : 60
Località : in cammino
Umore : festoso

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Futuro di Second Life Empty Re: Futuro di Second Life

Messaggio Da Sonia Drechsler Lun Giu 14, 2010 10:57 pm

Quello che mi lascia perplessa di questo lungo rapporto, che confesso di non aver letto con sufficiente attenzione, è che il cumulo di transazioni e movimenti raggiunge sì cifre ragguardevoli, ma a meno di non voler considerare l'assurdo in cui tutti noi ricicliamo denaro, il reale traffico di riciclabile sia talmente esiguo da non suscitare il minimo appetito nelle organizzazioni criminali. Diversamente, ipotizzo, da certo gaming e scommesse online, in cui credo che sia più facile muovere capitali considerevoli.
Sonia Drechsler
Sonia Drechsler

Femmina Cancro Messaggi : 8552
Data d'iscrizione : 17.11.09
Età : 23
Località : Tropico del Cancro
Umore : Raggiante

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